Effective exercises for weight loss belly and sides

Focus on the development of direct and transverse abdominal muscles, the oblique muscle of the abdomen, of the great pectoral muscles, the muscles larger and the extensor muscles of the back. Advanced to involve the muscles of the shoulder girdle and trapezoidal muscles. Combined with a good diet and regular aerobic carry loads of excess fat in problem areas and form a relief on the belly.

Physical exercises for weight loss belly and sides for women

exercise to lose weight

In order to put the "phones" with the belly and sides, and it's not just your intention. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet and activities the first step on the path to a slim figure. In this article, share effective integrated training of the abdominal muscles, we'll discuss the proper technique of execution of exercises for weight loss belly and sides to the house. Girls and women can easily master this exercise. You only need a gym mat. Perform regularly the lungs of the simple exercises for weight loss belly and sides of the house, and at the end of a week, you will be able to see the first result.


Exercises Sets Replays/Time
Rolling on the floor 3 15-20
Reverse crunch 2-3 15-20
Oblique/side twist 3 15-20
Belt 1 1 to 3 minutes
Side planck 3 1-4 minutes

Exercise for weight loss belly and on the sides: a full description

Rolling on the floor

The exercise will work the upper direct muscles of the abdomen.

Technical realization:
  1. Lie on the back, tight against the back in the area the lower back to the ground.
  2. Cross your arms on your chest or put it on his head, do not sleep fingers (you can also put the hand on the chest to take to oneself).
  3. The legs are folded. The feet are parallel and are located approximately the width of the shoulders.
  4. While exhaling, lift the body, trying to touch nose to knees. By doing this, above the floor shall be lifted only the shoulders.
  5. Stop at the highest point on the second. Then lower the casing of the inspiration.

The number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

Tip: Chin must not touch the torso. The foot does come off the ground. If you keep your hands behind your head, do you not help the muscles of the belly (the press). Throughout the execution of your abdominal muscles must remain tight (not worth to relax your abdominal muscles at the lowest point).

Reverse crunch

Effectively assimilate the lower area of the rectus muscle of the abdomen, which receives the least amount of stress as its mean and the upper part, when the run-of-the-ordinary twists and turns.

Technical realization:
  1. Lie on the floor or on a bench.
  2. Bend your knees at a right angle. Lift the legs to the hips were perpendicular to the plane of sex. The hands are placed under your lower back palms down or hold the edge of a bench. Tibia — parallel to the floor.
  3. Tensor of the press, as you exhale, bring the knees up towards the chest. Stop at the highest point. The pelvis is slightly raised above the floor or a bench.
  4. Exhale gently dip your feet.
complexs of the year

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

Tip: throughout the execution of the exercises of the abdominal muscles remain tense. The complexity of the execution, you can adjust, bend the knees.

A series of exercises for the sides of the fat loss

Oblique/side twist

Effectively absorb the lateral muscles of the abdomen.

The technical execution of the exercise:
  1. Lie on your side, bend your knees and rotate the lower part of the housing to the left. Keep the right hand behind the head. Put your left hand on the belly.
  2. Exhaling, lift the enclosure with oblique muscle of the right side of the abdomen, seeking to touch your right elbow to the right knee. With this, the muscles of the hand does not put pressure on the nape of the neck.
  3. On the second set of the sars at the highest point, after which, on the inhale, slowly lower to the ground.
  4. After the desired number of repetitions to perform the exercise for the left side of the belly.

The number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

Tip: At run time, make sure to back not yanked the study of the soil. For a better completeness of oblique muscle in the endpoint follow the ridge of the reduction, the stronger straining your abdominal muscles.

Too intense workouts, oblique muscle of the press lead to a for women to expand the size. To do this, train press 2-3 times per week and alternate dynamic exercise (run) with other (the different types of exercises from the "plank").


The static state of the hull allows it to work effectively the muscles of the press, including the oblique muscle of the abdomen. Advanced loaded the glutes, the muscles of the thighs, the lower back and the shoulder girdle.

Technical realization:
  1. Keep yourself in position to do push-ups. Remains in the soil with the fingers of feet, putting a little wider than the shoulders.
  2. Then, move the stopper with the palms of the hands on the elbows. Attach the body of the about 1 to 3 minutes (depending on the formation).

How much: 1 to 3 minutes.

Tip: throughout the exercise the body should remain flat. Keep the neck straight (the chin should not touch the chest), do not allow the deflection of the upper back, lower back, and do not bend your knees.

Side planck

Transferred from the classic option of the board, who, instead of four points of support are used two (palm of the hand or the elbow and the side of the foot). Used to emphasizes the study of the abdominal muscles side.

Technical realization:
  1. Lie on your side on a flat surface.
  2. Take the emphasis on the arm or the palm of the arms (depending on your level of training). The neck, back, and legs should lie along the straight line. Make sure that the body departs.
  3. Hold the balance with the distribution of the static load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the press, the back and legs.
  4. Then switch hands and repeat the exercise for the other side.

If necessary, the load on the lateral muscles, you can increase it by adding ordered by the failure of the middle followed by a turning-point in the starting position.

How much: 3 sets for each side, 1-4 minutes (depending on the formation).

The tips! At run time, do not let the sag of the middle part of the body. The elbow-reference of the hand should be placed directly under the shoulder joint. For the technical control made exercise in front of a mirror.

Exercises to lose weight fast on the belly and sides at home: recommendations

Options training the fat burning comes down to exercises of two types: rolling and static load. Actually burn body fat is only possible if the compliance of the technical and regular running combined right to food.

For more to clean the stomach and hips, the need to abatement?

To form a lovely silhouette, enough to conduct exercises with the own weight of the. The use of weights builds muscle hypertrophy, which will lead to an undesirable situation eye higher forms.

Contra-indications to the torsion

belt slimming

The drive with the twist contraindicated in people with cardiovascular disease, diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, the kidneys.

This exercise increases the abdominal pressure, it is impossible to make athletes suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and liver.

In some cases, exercise may be contra-indicated for rheumatism.

Someone not to make the bar

Despite the simplicity and lack of weight, planck has a high burden on different groups of muscles. In particular, the muscles of the abdomen, legs and back.

Therefore, the different types of belts not to make the athletes, people with hypertension, as well as people with back injuries, spine and a pinched sciatic nerve. In addition, the board contraindicated for people suffering joints or exacerbation of chronic diseases, and pregnant women.